As an important livestock animal raised on farms around the world, pigs can fall prey to a variety of meat-eating predators. While adult pigs have thick skin, tusks, and bulk, protecting them from many hunters, young piglets are vulnerable prey.
In this article, we will explore the 5 most dangerous animals that hunt, kill, and eat domestic pigs and wild boars in regions where they coexist.

As the second largest cat species behind tigers, African lions are powerful apex predators, easily capable of preying on pigs of all sizes.
Equipped with formidable claws and teeth, they typically bring down warthogs, bush pigs, and wild boars exceeding 200kg. Lions are the nemesis of the pig kingdom in Africa.
Working in close-knit pride, lions expertly cooperate on hunts to isolate and bring down targeted pigs.
Due to their intimidating size and reputation as ruthless killers, pigs often flee at the sight or scent of lions. But in areas with dense bush pig populations, the pigs may comprise over 50% of lion diets.
Using stealthy stalking skills, patient lions ambush lone pigs up to 10 times their size. Their strategy sees at least 2-3 lionesses quietly encircling behind before explosively charging the prey’s position head-on.
The barreling lions slam into the pigs, relying on superior strength and grappling skills to choke bites and wrestle them into submission.
Upon securing the fatal throat or spine bite to immobilize pig prey, the pride gorges first on abdominal organs like the stomach and intestines filled with partially digested grasses before spreading the feast across the carcass from ribs to hams.
Over two days, a pride efficiently strips an entire pig down to bare bones.
As the largest feline predator and possessing the strongest bite force of any cat, Bengal tigers hunt wild pigs like few rivals dare.
Weighing over 300kg themselves, tigers can tackle full-grown boars and sounders of multiple swine single-handedly. Their taste for pork spans pigmy hogs through giant forest hogs.
Tigers rely on stealth and explosive ambush tactics rather than stamina when hunting pigs across Asia.
Once securing a death grip on the neck, they thrash victims violently in their jaws to shatter spines and rupture arteries for quicker kills before safely dragging carcasses into dense cover to cache and consume.
Using their rough tongues, tigers easily lick through tough pig hide to peel back skin and access energy-rich fat stores that fuel their intense but infrequent bursts of activity.
Unlike lions, which gorge then fast, tigers return to protected leftovers for follow-up meals, maximizing nutritional resources from each big pig kill.
With males siring territories spanning 100 km2, a tiger’s preference for pig prey depends on local habitat – those regions with abundant water sources and wallows favouring healthy pig populations are ruled by the striped pig eaters.
Their adaptable predation preserves harmony in Asian food chains amid dwindling wilderness.
As the largest cats in the Americas, jaguars hunt a variety of mammals, including deer, capybaras, caiman, and pigs.
Collared peccaries and introduced Eurasian boars fall victim to their crushing skulls and jaws, though jaguars seem to generally avoid confronting the armoured tanks that are white-lipped peccaries moving in large defensive herds.
Stalk-and-ambush experts, jaguars stealthily trek through the undergrowth and swim silently across rivers to surprise groups of peccaries and giant forest hogs. Choosing their moment, they explode from cover to grab isolated prey. Biting through the pig’s nape vertebrae, crushed spines paralyze victims for the 10-15kg cats to eat undisturbed.
Unique among felids, jaguars tackle large armoured prey like turtles and caimans by piercing through thick skulls and shells with their incredible bite force of over 3000psi.
Applying this tactic to wild boars sees jaguars crushing even the thick forehead bones of pigs in a single crunch before feasting – no hide or snout is too hard for the jaguar bone-crunchers to chomp through.
Jaguars drag carcasses into vegetated waterways to keep them cool and moist for delayed consumption rather than gorging.
Panthers return routinely to guarded piggy banks, ferociously defending their kills from the curiosity of other predators like pumas or coyotes. Pig-caviar caches sustain roaming jaguars over vast Amazon territories between hunting forays.
Legendary for their harmonized hunting prowess, enabling organized wolf packs to run down fleet-footed deer and elk, wolves also opportunistically prey on pigs discovered wandering through their large defended territories.
While healthy boars are risky adversaries, young pigs, and vulnerable sows fall prey.
Wolves rely on their superior endurance and team tactics to test and exploit weaknesses in pig social units.
Chasing relentlessly for many miles until fence lines or obstacles interrupt escape plans, exhausted laggard pigs reaching physical limits become targeted.
Before closing in on lagging individuals showing faltering signs like laboured breathing or refusing confrontations, wolves assess if they are worth pursuing based on body size and tusk threat.
Smaller shoats and females make easier targets to isolate and attack using bait maneuvers by front runners.
Working in disciplined relay units, pursuing wolves coordinate maneuvers to distract dangerous tusks and hooves, allowing others to bite legs and snouts to destabilize and force screaming pigs into losing footing.
Toppling them opens attacks culminating in the suffocating precision of a specialist throat bite.
Quick feasting on abdominal organs replenishes wolf energy after intense chases before scattering bones across territory boundaries.
By threatening young pigs, opportunistic wolves strengthen future wolf stock, ensuring only alert, fit pigs persist to breed in shared habitats.
Spotted Hyenas
As the dominant scavenger across Sub-Saharan Africa outside prime lion turf, highly aggressive spotted hyenas also directly kill at least 50% of consumed prey.
Working in large clans up to 100 strong, hyenas compete with big cats by using intelligent cooperation when attacking everything from baby elephants to small hippos…and pigs.
Despite weighing less than some wild boar and only having bone-crushing molars rather than flesh-slicing carnassials, hyenas attack pigs with relentless stamina, capitalizing on crowded tusks limiting bite angles.
They overwhelm frantic defences using efficient relay attacks targeting soft snouts and rear legs.
Quick disembowelling rips open bellies in the first seconds once pigs lose balance and topple before victims even register lethal bites tearing intestines.
Death from shock and blood loss rapidly follows alongside shrieking cackles as hyenas drag into thorny lairs for cached group eating sessions.
With the strongest jaws relative to the body mass of any land predator, hyenas easily splinter and digest every fragment of bone, hide, and bristles from pig carcasses.
Such nutritional efficiency and cooperative success in hunting dangerous prey demonstrate why prolific spotted packs dominate African habitats despite considerable risks during kills from defensive hooves and tusks.

As Australia’s dominant land mammal predator in the absence of competition from wolves or large cats since prehistoric times, opportunistic dingos prey on any vulnerable livestock, including sheep, goats, calves, poultry, kangaroo joeys…and domestic pigs.
Highly intelligent, using complex tactics that manipulate herd flight behavior, small family packs of dingos isolate escapee pigs after exhausting chases. Nipping rear legs and haunches eventually topples isolated shoats too far from protective groups.
Attacking the vulnerable underbelly in suffocating bite flurries, the ultimate outback opportunists move quickly between rural fringe farms, exploiting whatever food presents, be it chickens, lambs, or farrow piglets.
As persistent threats, aggressive wide-roaming dingos are culled heavily in sheep-grazing countries, though this indirectly strengthens dingo gene stocks.
While lethally effective on piglets under 10kg with mothers occupied in baiting defence, the main constraints on dingos attacking larger pigs are bruising kicks and slashing tusks that injure legs needed for chasing other critical game.

Whether exploiting vulnerable piglets and shoats or tackling imposing fierce boars and sows, lions, tigers, jaguars, wolves, hyenas, and dingos, all include pigs in their carnivorous diet where habitats overlap. Intelligent and cooperative hunting styles triumph over pigs’ bulk and weapons.
And while most predators wisely only occasionally target smaller or wounded pigs, reducing losses of their pack members from dangerous counter-attacks, heavily populated lions prize African bush pigs as walking parkettes.