Food Chain

What Eats Grass?

Some birds, such as chickens and wild turkeys, eat grass, and so do some types of fish.

Almost all animals that eat grass are themselves eaten by carnivorous, or meat-eating, predators—which makes grass a very important part of most food webs.

But many carnivorous animals also eat grasses from time to time. For instance, you’ve probably seen a dog bite off some long blades of grass and chew them up!

Green Grass What Eats Grass
Green Grass What Eats Grass

Thousands of different animals from tiny insects to huge elephants eat grass. Grasses are one of the most important sources of nourishment for animals all over the planet. Without grass for animals to eat, the world would be a very different place.

Almost all hoofed animals are “grazers”—a word that comes from the word “grass” and which means “grass eaters.” Grazers include horses, cows, sheep, goats, bison, buffalo, deer, elk, wildebeest, zebras, kangaroos . . . there are just too many to name!

Grasshoppers are just one of the many insects that eat grass.


Grass is more than just vegetation; it is a vital component of many ecosystems. Grass is the widespread green carpet that covers large areas of land. Animals that feed on grass are called granivores. There are a lot of animals that eat grass as part of their diet.

For many different kinds of animals, grass is the main food source, whether in vast grasslands or undulating meadows. But what precisely eats grass is still a mystery. This article delves into the intriguing realm of grass consumers, examining the wide range of creatures that depend on grass for their daily needs.

1. Elephants 

Elephants are extremely large, intelligent animals that have a compassionate nature. Their diet is remarkably delicate, mostly consisting of plants. Grass is one of their main food sources. Elephants are herbivores, and they seek grasses for a large part of the day to get the vital nutrition their large bodies require. They pull grasses from the ground with their huge trunks, frequently eating hundreds of pounds of grass every day. Their diet, which is primarily composed of grass, helps them maintain their energy levels and flourish in their native environments.  

Ever wanted to know what elephants eat?

2. Hippopotamus 

Hippopotamuses may seem fierce and have a strong preference for water, yet their main diet is plants. Their food is unique and consists mostly of grass. These semiaquatic creatures come out of the water in the dark to feed on the grasses that grow in the surrounding meadows and along riverbanks. Hippos have enormous mouths and strong jaws, allowing them to eat a lot of grass in one feeding session. Grass is the main food source for them, though they occasionally eat other plants like aquatic plants or fallen fruits. Their reliance on grass as their main food source affects not only their behaviour and preferred habitats but also helps them maintain their huge bodies. 

3. Camels 

The majority of the food of camel includes grass and other flora found in deserts. Camels are herbivorous mammals well-known for their capacity to survive in arid conditions. Even though their natural habitats are devoid of lush foliage, camels have developed extraordinary physiological strategies to obtain nutrition from prickly bushes and dry grasses. They are particularly effective grazers because of their specific dentition and distinct digestive system, which allow them to break down fibrous vegetation with efficiency. Camels are known to travel great miles in pursuit of patches of scant vegetation. They do this by using their extraordinary endurance and an acute sense of smell to find these patches of grass. The grass is an important source of nutrition and water for camels, ensuring their survival in hostile desert environments.

4. Rhinoceros 

Although they are strong herbivores, rhinoceroses mainly feed on grasses. When it comes to eating habits, these magnificent animals are gentle giants despite their imposing looks and thick, armoured skins. Rhinos use their prehensile lips to grab and drag foliage into their mouths as they graze on a range of grass kinds. Tough grasses and fibrous vegetation are easily broken down by their strong jaws and big molars. To escape the intense heat of midday in their grassland environments, rhinos usually feed during the cooler parts of the day. Grass is an essential component of their diet, giving their large bodies the vital nutrients they require.

Green Grass
Green Grass

5. Pandas 

Pandas are being adored for their cute appearance and unique black-and-white fur. Their primary food source is grass. However, pandas not only eat grass; they also eat other plants, such as wild tubers, and even small rodents or carrion. Although pandas mostly eat bamboo (some can eat up to 40 pounds of it a day), grasses help them meet their nutritional demands. When available, pandas will pick delicate species of grass to eat. Consumption of grass may differ based on variables such as habitat quality, seasonal variations, and the availability of bamboo. Though they tend to choose bamboo, grasses add to the variety of foods that pandas need to survive.

6. Kangaroos 

The iconic mammals of Australia, kangaroos, are mainly herbivorous, consuming mainly grasses and other plants in their diet. These skilled grazers explore the wide outback regions of Australia in search of nourishing grasses to meet their energy requirements. Kangaroos effectively extract nutrients from the fibrous, rough plant material they eat because to their sophisticated digestive systems. Their grazing habits—which depend on grasses for both sustenance and hydration—have a significant impact on their capacity to live in arid regions. Because of their grazing practices, kangaroos significantly alter the plant communities and nutrient cycle processes within their habitats. 

7. Zebra 

Zebras are herbivores that mostly eat grasses. They are well-known for their stunning black and white striped coats. These famous creatures prowl Africa’s grasslands and forests in search of luxuriant, nutrient-rich flora. Zebras can graze on a wide range of grass species due to their quick movements and sharp senses, although they prefer short, sensitive grasses when they are available. Their grazing practices help to preserve grassland ecosystems while also sustaining their energy levels. By keeping grasslands from getting overrun and fostering biodiversity, zebras perform a critical role in regulating the growth of plants. Zebras represent the dynamic interplay between herbivores and their environment, being herbivores at the centre of the African wildness. 

8. Capybara 

The largest rodents in the world, capybaras are mostly herbivorous creatures that inhabit South American wetlands and grasslands. They eat a lot of vegetation, including fruits and aquatic plants, in addition to grass. Because capybaras lead semi-aquatic lives, they are frequently located close to water sources where they may readily obtain their favourite foods. These gregarious animals use their keen incisors to crop foliage close to the ground as they graze on a variety of grasses. Capybaras who eat grass receive vital nutrients, support healthy digestion, and preserve their dental health. Because they are herbivores, capybaras have a significant impact on the dynamics of the flora in their environments, which in turn supports a wide variety of animals.

9. Rabbits 

Rabbits are little herbivores animals that are distinguished by their fondness for grass and other plant materials. These fluffy animals are skilled grazers, consuming a large amount of their time munching on different grasses and leafy greens to satisfy their need. Rabbits get most of their nutrients and fibre from grass because their teeth are constantly growing and are designed to crush down tough plant material. They can efficiently feed in wide grassy areas where they can reach a diverse range of grass types as they have an excellent sense of smell and fast movements.

10. Hare 

Like rabbits, hares are herbivorous mammals that have a fondness for grass and other plant materials. The main source of nutrition for these quick and nimble animals is grass. Hares are skilled at feeding in open grasslands and meadows where they have easy access to a wide array of grass types.  Hares graze on fragile grasses, herbs, and other flora to satisfy their nutritional demands, using their keen incisors and quick movements. Hares receive their essential nutrients from grass, which supports their general health and vitality, including fibre, vitamins, and minerals.

Image of Green Grass
Image of Green Grass


The grass is eaten by a variety of herbivores, which emphasizes how important it is to maintain ecosystems. The grass is a major source of sustenance for animals such as hares and elephants, influencing the dynamics of the vegetation and promoting biodiversity. These creatures, along with countless others, depend on grasslands to survive, demonstrating the interdependence of species in the complex web of life on Earth.

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